
Angelfishes care guide:Breeding, Diet, habitat and more

Are Angelfishes suitable for your aquarium?  If you really want to have angelfish into your community of fishes, then you need to know few important aspects regarding these species. After all you'll get a no doubted clarity about angelfishes with better solutions into your mind that how to take care of these angels.  In this article, every detailed info about angelfishes are mentioned which helps you find whether these species suits in your tank or not.  Major important characteristics about these fishes are included in this article those are their appearance, habitat, tank mates, diet and breeding. You go through each and every specific info, because that gives  answers to your questions.  So let's go in details....  Classification of Angelfish The angelfishes are belongs to the Cichlidae family of genus pterophyllum. Pterophyllum genus is a collection of species with just 3 different varieties. All types of angelfishes are discovered in the Amazon and Ori...

Zebra Danios care guide for beginners:Food, Breeding and more...

Are zebra Danios right for your aquarium?  The zebra Danios are small fishes which can adequate to smaller aquariums. As these are freshwater fishes, you can have them as your aquatic pet because we do prefer a freshwater aquarium. These fishes can resist in any kind of climate, except the high temperature conditions. Having zebra as a first companion is a better choice for most of the beginners, because they can tolerate in any difficult situations.  Even though they can tolerate, we need to know every detail info about zebra Danios to take care of these fishes. Some special features of these fishes will give detail regards that may help you to protect and care them. The characteristics of Zebra Danios must includes their classification, habitat, behaviour, appearance, tank mates, feeding and breeding.  In this article, every little detail information is noted that gives you more clarity. After all you can literally take care of your zebra without any guide and further q...

Plecostomus expert care solutions:Illnesses,Habitat and more

Are Plecostomus right for your aquarium?  The plecostomus fishes are tropical freshwater fishes, and also suitable for your aquarium. These fishes can resist the conditions of any aquarium.Even you can add them to a populated community of fishes. There are also few benefits that avail you get rid of cleaning aquariums, because plecostomus fishes are algae eaters, eats the algae with their sucker mouth at the faces and edges of your aquarium.  If you want to have Plecostomus species as your companion, it's necessary to know the detail information about this species. It's quite obvious to protect and care your plecostomus, so make sure to know its habitat, behaviour, tank mates, feeding and breeding, before you join them as your companion.  In this article you are going to learn every unique detailed info about a special species of tropical freshwater. After all you can  make these fishes safe and secure without any guide. No further doubts will arise into your mind wh...

Jack Dempsey fish expert care solutions:Breeding,Habitat and more.....

Are Jack Dempsey right for your aquarium?  It's most exiting to have Jack Dempsey fish as one of your aquarium companions, as it brings whole lot colourfulness to your aquarium. Jack Dempsey fishes are obviously aggressive in nature, and their is a possibility that it can harm other tank mates. May be it's exiting to join them to your aquarium community, but it's a difficult task to handle them. So make sure you know every single detail about these fishes, because that will help you manage things with Jack Dempsey. These species are similar to most of cichlidae family..  To take care of these fishes, we need to know their features and behaviour which includes their habitat, tank conditions, tank mates, feedings and breeding. In this article you are suppose to learn each and every criteria about how to treat your Jack Dempsey fish. Make sure that whatever content you come across read the information thoroughly, such that you can take care of your Jack Dempsey without any gui...

The Kuhli Loaches expert care solution:Behaviour,Habitat and more.....

 The Kuhli Loaches Care solutions: Behaviour, Habitat and more......  If  you wanted kuhli loach fish to be part of your aquarium batch ,then undoubtedly you can allow it. The reason behind having it as a tank companion is, it's fascinating and distinct behaviour that it possess.  Kuhli loach fish is a peaceful fish that most of it's time spend for searching food at the bottom of the fish tank, this unique feature makes it more special to consider as a freshwater fish. The Kuhli loach fish is considered to be good cleaner fish.  If you need access to know more in detail about Kuhli loach fish, read the descriptions below, you'll understand the characteristics about kuhli loach fish. From this article you can learn how to take care of your kuhli loach fish in all aspects.  Let's go in details......  Classification of Kuhli Loach The Kulhi loach is belongs to Cobitidae family with genus Pangio. It's scientific name is pangio Kuhlii, but previously in 184...